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Accepting An Offer

Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

You’ve gone through all those challenging job application tests and interviews and finally emerged successful. Now you have your job offer. Congratulations!

But before you go ahead and accept your job offer, be sure to consider the following factors:

  1. Company policies

Many companies send their list of company policies and rules to you along with the job offer. In most cases, there shouldn’t be any mismatch between your expectations and company policies. But it is good practice to go through the policy document once before accepting the offer. If you find any policy that’s not in alignment with your values & ethics, it may affect your satisfaction in the company.

  1. Salary

Always check if the decided-upon salary has been retained in your offer letter or not. If it hasn’t, you can always go back with a counteroffer, with the new pay scale offer. Check both your fixed and variable components to ensure they are in line with what you had decided.

  1. Non-monetary benefits & facilities

Also, check what non-monetary benefits and facilities the company is offering as part of your job offer. Are these sufficient? Has whatever been promised, delivered to you? Is there something else you’d like or want?

These non-monetary benefits & facilities include your leaves, vacation time, sickness support, insurance, phone/internet bills, remote technology, etc.

  1. Stock options

If your company offers stock options, verify how many stocks they’re giving you. Also, check the clause to see how your stock holdings in the company will grow as your tenure in the company increases.

Read through the stock sale policies as well. If you want to offload the stocks, you’ll need to be certain about the rules and requirements.

  1. Retirement plan     

Retirement plans are often customized to the specific job applicant. It’s essential that you read through the nuances of your retirement plans. This way, you can be certain if they are up to your expectations or not. You need to also consider what your personal retirement plans might be and if the retirement plan offered to you is in alignment with this retirement goal or not.

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